Uses of Sex Toys in Mumbai, Prevent Rapes or Agitate The Rapist for Rapes- It Depends on the Perception of People

Sex Toys in Mumbai

Basically sex toys in Mumbai are used with the aim of preventing the rapes, but  now the importance of sex toys are being distorted. The role of sex toys are providing more sexual satisfaction to the sex deprived people, sorting out different sexual issues and reinforcing the languishing conjugal sex life. In such cases, it seen that rapists are using sex toys to rise up their sexual aggravation that delivers a negative impression to the people. Thus the sex toys which had taken a prime role in the revolution against rapes are being blamed now for provoking rapes in the soceity. That’s why government cannot liberalise the trading of sex toys. Pondering the matter deeply, we cannot put any blame on sex toys, because the actual reason of perverting the significance of sex toys, we can blame on lack of sex education in the people. Thus, the people should be provided proper sex education, so that they can be able to know regarding the real importance of sex toys. 

For example, dynamites were invented to make roads by breaking the hills, but afterwards dynamites were used in the war to destroy lives. So, we cannot blame the invention of dynamites for destroying lives rather people’s mentality do matter. Sex toys are also the gift of science. Sex toys were inveneted for fulfil almost every kind of sexual demands of the people, so a rapist don’t need to make a girl to the victim of their erotic sexual hunger that spwans in their mind. That’s why the number of rapes will be automatically declined. Rapists use sex toys to gear up their erotic sexual desire while doing rapes. The rapist mostly prefer to use bdsm sex toys, big size of dildos and anal toys to indulge their dirty, vulgar cravings while those erotic sex toys are used to bring eroticism in the relationship of the couple to rescue their boring sex life from getting faded away. As well as rapes also take place in a marital relationship, husband attempts to rape his own wife. When a husband forces his wife for sex without her intention, it is determinded as rape. Couples should not use erotic sex toys such as BDSM toys etc when their partner don’t concur to do such activity. In several times, one partner compels to do such erotic activities with bdsm toys to another partner without any consent. Finally people blame on sex toys, but do not think about the weak mentality of those rapists. 

To bring the mentality of the people in the right track for diminishing the rapes from society, providing the people proper sex education is very much required. If the people have the proper sex education, they will come to know about the real importance of sex toys to prevent rapes. Then government no need to tighten the regulation and legislation in case of trading sex toys. The revolution of sex toys has been commenced in Mumbai and its contiguous territories, because Mumbai is a modern city and the people in this city can accept sex toys without any complication and hesitation in their mind. Sex toys in Mumbai the city Mumbai is very popular among the people. There are different sex toys stores in Mumbai like “Sex Toys in Mumbai” which has diffrent kind of sex toys. 

In conclusion, sex toys are very thing to drive your sex life towards a lot of happiness whether someone uses sex toys in a positive way. These sex toys in Mumbai can also be used in the sinful activity. So, the primary changes are needed in regard to the mentality of the people, otherwise the objective of persuading sex toys in the insurgency against rapes will be meaningless. 

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